Super Tasty Ultra Low Alc beer is here!

Super Tasty Ultra Low Alc beer is here!
Introducing Sidewinder Hazy Pale. Our very first super ultra low alc beer that is big on flavour without compromise. 
Sidewinder has a fresh golden haze, full body and juicy tropical notes of peach, apricot, mango and lychee. 
At 0.3 standard drinks, Sidewinder Hazy Pale is your answer to unlimted flavour and the freedom to enjoy a full-bodied beer anytime, anywhere. 
The 1.1% ABV gave the brewers the opporunity to play around with fermentation and yeast strant to create a low alc beer that is exploding with full hazy pale flavours. 
Dicover the #SidewinderLife at @sidewinderlife on Instagram #SuperTasty
You can find Sidewinder on our website or at your local Dan Murphy's.
Woman drinking Sidewinder Hazy Pale

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